Tue, 25 August 2020

2020 Breeding Season Protocols


What a year 2020 has been so far! Covid-19 has certainly presented many challenges for our industry and things have certainly been complicated further by the current lockdown situation.

We have been working on our own account and, in conjunction with the NZTBA to try and obtain the appropriate exemptions in order for ourselves and our industry to continue to operate during the differing levels of the Covid-19 Alert system and in particular, if alert levels differ between regions. 

With the commencement of the breeding season starting on the 1st September, we would like to reassure all of our clients that we have the systems and procedures in place to ensure the continuation of business as usual here at Haunui. 

Given our industry has been put under the spotlight, we want to be seen to be following best practice and as such, would like to outline the following: 

  1. Given current travel restrictions, Haunui Farm will collect any mares to foal down or, for service to a Haunui stallion, from any region in the North Island, as and when possible during the 2020 breeding season. Please be in touch with Shannon should you wish to make these arrangements. Shannon - M - 0212 855 513, E - shannont@haunuifarm.co.nz 
  1. Haunui Farm will return your mare and/or foal to you post foaling/service, as restrictions allow. 
  1. Also, this is a good opportunity to remind you in regard to mare vaccinations and making sure these are up to date. 


Haunui Farm ask that all persons walking mares into Haunui Farm in the 2020 Breeding Season adhere to the following protocols during Level 2, 3 & 4: 

  1. Upon arrival, drivers and any attendants must wear a face covering and gloves outside of the truck/vehicle.
  2. Driver and any attendants must check into Haunui Farm using the NZ Covid Tracer App. Haunui QR codes can be found on each of the loading ramps.
  3. The Driver may lower the ramp of the truck/float and advise mare details to Haunui Farm staff however, they MUST NOT unload horses. This will be undertaken by Haunui Farm staff.
  4. The Driver and attendant must return to their vehicle immediately and wait there until Haunui Farm staff have completed serving the mare. The use of bathroom facilities is allowed but a face covering, and gloves must be worn, and strict handwashing and hand sanitising procedures followed.
  5. When the serve is completed, Haunui Farm staff will load the mare/mare and foal and the Driver/attendant may then put the ramp up and leave. 

NB: For safety and insurance purposes, the serving barn will be under video surveillance with all serves filmed and digitally recorded.

If you would like to discuss anything further or, have any queries, please don't hesitate to be in touch with Mark or Shannon. Mark - 021 663 995, Shannon - 0212 855 513.